Africa ACT NOW
No other way to success
We are consulting now, despite the Coronavirus!
As the Managers without Borders (managerohnegrenzen) foundation, we support the development of a stable middle class in Africa through the transfer of knowledge between our managers without borders and small to medium-sized enterprises in Africa.
It’s only through local ownership can poverty be fought sustainably – we know that, and it’s in this respect that we act. Every entrepreneur, whether small or medium-sized, who lives for his company will be successful. To be able to feed himself, his family, and at least ten employees. That is the goal; each income provides for 20 people and brings them further out of poverty.
We advise from the first contact, during the pandemic, this initial contact occurs online. Digital, effective, and successful use of our managers is often necessary for success – a massive opportunity for the beleaguered economy in any of the 54 states of Africa. We know our stuff, our consulting concept is tried and tested, and it works because a dense network supports our work.
An Internet connection and a cell phone are always available everywhere in Africa – and with them, a lot can be achieved: Consulting, coaching, planning, mentoring, seminars, and strategies occur over the phone. Moreover, these digital communications have a tangible impact on the mission.